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How To Train Your Employees To Become Managers

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Where can you find perfect managers? The best decision is to pick up someone from your current staff of employees. They’ll know your business better, so they can manage to provide a special type of leadership. Indeed, becoming a manager and working between the owner and the employees isn’t easy. Unfortunately, many small businesses do not give importance to training their employees for future management roles. If employees are good workers, then they can be promoted to take on tasks that are more challenging.

Plucking employees randomly and dropping them in directly to perform as managers isn’t right. You should begin with training them to become not just managers, but good managers. The basic approach is to consider their qualities for becoming good managers, and then provide them the opportunity to enhance those qualities.

To begin with training, you must always try creating a culture of learning on the part of the employee. By this, your employees will have an attitude where they will push themselves to perform at their best. Management is incomplete without a person’s bent towards training and always wanting the best method or technology to work better.

Train Your Employees in More Than Just a Specific Job

Training your employees for a specific job isn’t the right way; it is a short-term solution, because employees will become perfectly trained only for one specific job — but won’t learn anything more than those particular job requirements. Give them a chance to discover more than just their job.

Help Your Employees in Learning

Encourage your employee to learn something that isn’t immediately associated with their job, by creating a learning culture. Knowing how to learn is also a skill; a manager should have these skills, since they will face various situations that will need quick understanding and resolution.

No Need for Expensive Training

Providing training doesn’t have to mean a big expense. You can opt for an affordable training system, so outlining resourceful and low-cost methods can be used to encourage learning. In case you cannot offer an in-house training, provide incentives to your employees so that they learn themselves.

Support Time Management Systems

Managers should also be time managers, so help your employees in learning how they can use their time wisely. This will embed principles of time management in them, so when they’re managers, it will help.


Ask your employees to learn how they can break their job into smaller responsibilities. By doing this, they’re learning to delegate time for themselves to become more productive. So, when they are managers, they will be able to easily delegate responsibilities to others.


Lend a hand to your employees in learning to discern the tasks that are important and should be done first. You can begin with prioritizing the tasks and explaining why you’ve arranged them in that manner for them. As time passes, allow them to prioritize those tasks by themselves.

Goal setting

Well, goals can be number-based or an overt time management system. Again, you start with setting some benchmarks for your employees and eventually allow them to make their own goals. In meetings, ask them about their daily or weekly goals that they’ve set and how they’re going to accomplish them.

Build Communication Skills

Help your employees to communicate more with your other staff employees before you ask them to manage everything. In spite of everything, communication is the key to success, once broken it can get you and your business into horrendous problems. You can ask your team to turn their meetings into some communication exercises and allow the employees to lead the entire meeting, or some part of it, by turns. You may accompany that communication meeting with a Slide Share presentation or TED talk as well. Having a suggestion box isn’t a bad idea, too; you can then feature one suggestion or question to discuss at each meeting. Let the employees get hold of real-world training with communication and encourage them so that they lead the entire discussion.

On the other hand, you, being the boss, should try to familiarize your employees with the company’s jargon. Keep in mind that industry terminology or jargon isn’t required just to make decisions. It’s a key factor to understanding what is happening in your business. Persuade your employees to use all the technical terms related to your business. This way, they will learn faster and make it a practise to use those words when they get promoted to the management section.

Encourage Leadership Practice

You cannot opt for a disaster recipe without encouraging leadership skills in your manager. Help your employees to view themselves as good leaders, despite their position in the company. Whether they work full time or part time, you can instill an understanding of leadership in them.

Reveal the Picture

Help your employees in understanding your business in a better way, because this is part of supporting their corporate skills, and an important aspect of leadership. Build a better attitude about an employee’s value. They can have a mindset that management does not want them to get the big picture, and so they just clock in at the office and do their jobs as assigned. This type of attitude won’t work for any type of a manager; they need to know their responsibilities as well. So, let them understand that they need to fit into the larger plan of action. Inform your employees about their goals and the kind of work they’ll be involved in. If you have part time employees, even they should know about your valuable plans and their place in that particular plan. If you make them see the big picture and where they actually fit, their attitude will change and they’ll see more than just a narrow picture of “that is not my work or job”. Instead, if possible, go out of your way and see that everything is understood well by your employees. By doing, this your employees will finally become management material.

Alternatively, try to assist them in understanding how success can really affect them and their lives. An employee always gets motivated when they have a pay-check in hand, so they will work more efficiently and diligently. After all, they’re at your company to work and get paid, right?

Any responsible employee will always want to see your business flourish, because if the business succeeds, they know they’ll succeed at the same time. They understand that getting paid isn’t the only motivation. So, they will strive hard to become part of the business and its success. On the other hand, an employee will also help your company grow by taking care of the lost sales, loss prevention, unsatisfied customers and all the daily things affecting the company.

The most excellent technique to teach employees to value how success can affect them is to reward them when your business achieves a successful milestone. From a small catered party after any huge sale to an increase in pay as soon as goals are reached, directly collecting the benefits of the success of your business motivates them to work more. If you and your business rely entirely on the employees, not giving rewards will definitely dishearten them completely.

The conclusion is, whether you have a service, retail or staffed business, all these techniques should be carried out. A mindset alone won’t make a responsible manager. You’ll have to give your employees a chance where they are able to build their management skills and practises before they actually sit on the managerial chair. In the process of following all the above guidelines, you will very easily make out which employee is truly capable of being an awesome manager. Fundamentally, you’re seeing them employ their skills and knowledge in the “sandbox”, prior to their actual need. Training your employees isn’t an easy job, so make sure you’re determined so that you can reap the rewards in your business in the future.

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How To Train Your Employees To Become Managers

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Where can you find perfect managers? The best decision is to pick up someone from your current staff of employees. They’ll know your business better, so they can manage to provide a special type of leadership. Indeed, becoming a manager and working between the owner and the employees isn’t easy. Unfortunately, many small businesses do not give importance to training their employees for future management roles. If employees are good workers, then they can be promoted to take on tasks that are more challenging.

Plucking employees randomly and dropping them in directly to perform as managers isn’t right. You should begin with training them to become not just managers, but good managers. The basic approach is to consider their qualities for becoming good managers, and then provide them the opportunity to enhance those qualities.

To begin with training, you must always try creating a culture of learning on the part of the employee. By this, your employees will have an attitude where they will push themselves to perform at their best. Management is incomplete without a person’s bent towards training and always wanting the best method or technology to work better.

Train Your Employees in More Than Just a Specific Job

Training your employees for a specific job isn’t the right way; it is a short-term solution, because employees will become perfectly trained only for one specific job — but won’t learn anything more than those particular job requirements. Give them a chance to discover more than just their job.

Help Your Employees in Learning

Encourage your employee to learn something that isn’t immediately associated with their job, by creating a learning culture. Knowing how to learn is also a skill; a manager should have these skills, since they will face various situations that will need quick understanding and resolution.

No Need for Expensive Training

Providing training doesn’t have to mean a big expense. You can opt for an affordable training system, so outlining resourceful and low-cost methods can be used to encourage learning. In case you cannot offer an in-house training, provide incentives to your employees so that they learn themselves.

Support Time Management Systems

Managers should also be time managers, so help your employees in learning how they can use their time wisely. This will embed principles of time management in them, so when they’re managers, it will help.


Ask your employees to learn how they can break their job into smaller responsibilities. By doing this, they’re learning to delegate time for themselves to become more productive. So, when they are managers, they will be able to easily delegate responsibilities to others.


Lend a hand to your employees in learning to discern the tasks that are important and should be done first. You can begin with prioritizing the tasks and explaining why you’ve arranged them in that manner for them. As time passes, allow them to prioritize those tasks by themselves.

Goal setting

Well, goals can be number-based or an overt time management system. Again, you start with setting some benchmarks for your employees and eventually allow them to make their own goals. In meetings, ask them about their daily or weekly goals that they’ve set and how they’re going to accomplish them.

Build Communication Skills

Help your employees to communicate more with your other staff employees before you ask them to manage everything. In spite of everything, communication is the key to success, once broken it can get you and your business into horrendous problems. You can ask your team to turn their meetings into some communication exercises and allow the employees to lead the entire meeting, or some part of it, by turns. You may accompany that communication meeting with a Slide Share presentation or TED talk as well. Having a suggestion box isn’t a bad idea, too; you can then feature one suggestion or question to discuss at each meeting. Let the employees get hold of real-world training with communication and encourage them so that they lead the entire discussion.

On the other hand, you, being the boss, should try to familiarize your employees with the company’s jargon. Keep in mind that industry terminology or jargon isn’t required just to make decisions. It’s a key factor to understanding what is happening in your business. Persuade your employees to use all the technical terms related to your business. This way, they will learn faster and make it a practise to use those words when they get promoted to the management section.

Encourage Leadership Practice

You cannot opt for a disaster recipe without encouraging leadership skills in your manager. Help your employees to view themselves as good leaders, despite their position in the company. Whether they work full time or part time, you can instill an understanding of leadership in them.

Reveal the Picture

Help your employees in understanding your business in a better way, because this is part of supporting their corporate skills, and an important aspect of leadership. Build a better attitude about an employee’s value. They can have a mindset that management does not want them to get the big picture, and so they just clock in at the office and do their jobs as assigned. This type of attitude won’t work for any type of a manager; they need to know their responsibilities as well. So, let them understand that they need to fit into the larger plan of action. Inform your employees about their goals and the kind of work they’ll be involved in. If you have part time employees, even they should know about your valuable plans and their place in that particular plan. If you make them see the big picture and where they actually fit, their attitude will change and they’ll see more than just a narrow picture of “that is not my work or job”. Instead, if possible, go out of your way and see that everything is understood well by your employees. By doing, this your employees will finally become management material.

Alternatively, try to assist them in understanding how success can really affect them and their lives. An employee always gets motivated when they have a pay-check in hand, so they will work more efficiently and diligently. After all, they’re at your company to work and get paid, right?

Any responsible employee will always want to see your business flourish, because if the business succeeds, they know they’ll succeed at the same time. They understand that getting paid isn’t the only motivation. So, they will strive hard to become part of the business and its success. On the other hand, an employee will also help your company grow by taking care of the lost sales, loss prevention, unsatisfied customers and all the daily things affecting the company.

The most excellent technique to teach employees to value how success can affect them is to reward them when your business achieves a successful milestone. From a small catered party after any huge sale to an increase in pay as soon as goals are reached, directly collecting the benefits of the success of your business motivates them to work more. If you and your business rely entirely on the employees, not giving rewards will definitely dishearten them completely.

The conclusion is, whether you have a service, retail or staffed business, all these techniques should be carried out. A mindset alone won’t make a responsible manager. You’ll have to give your employees a chance where they are able to build their management skills and practises before they actually sit on the managerial chair. In the process of following all the above guidelines, you will very easily make out which employee is truly capable of being an awesome manager. Fundamentally, you’re seeing them employ their skills and knowledge in the “sandbox”, prior to their actual need. Training your employees isn’t an easy job, so make sure you’re determined so that you can reap the rewards in your business in the future.

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