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8 Tips To Improve Your People Management Skills

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People management is the art of knowing how to manage employees within the organization and to make sure that the work performed by the employee is completed efficiently and professionally.  Today we live in a modern society with a diversified culture where people of different backgrounds come together under one roof to work as a team to achieve a common goal. Every employee is unique and possesses a different set of skills backed by a unique mind set. In order for an organization to work towards a common goal they must have managers with a superior skill sets to manage and direct employee efficiently. To do so, the managers must possess people management skills which not only include financial structure and corporate strategies but also maintain the health of the resources.

Key points for improving people management skills are:

Effective decision making

Every organization is constantly making decisions. Decision making in an organization is selecting the right choices to achieve a goal. To perform efficiently and choose the best decision, the leader needs to be cooperative and supportive of his team members. Decision making is a key function in building a team and incorporating unique ideas which can have a positive outcome for the organization. The staff need to feel comfortable sharing their ideas or opinions. Good managers make them feel that they are part of an assignment by listening to them, by giving them the opportunity to pitch their ideas.


Communication is very important.  It helps build relationship with your team members. One of the best ways to communicate with one another is by listening to what the other person is saying. Ask questions to show that you are paying attention. When managers do not communicate with the employees efficiently and professionally, the organization has huge turnover. By encouraging regular morning briefings, each employee can discuss the performance of the organization and add useful suggestions to increase business. An organization can only thrive and succeed in an environment with open communication.

Mentoring employees

A mentor can provide guidance and advice to employees to help them in their professional growth. This will help an employee feel less isolated at work, and encourage them to interact with others in a more efficient manner.  Through mentoring the employee becomes more responsible and develop stronger communication and problem-solving skills. This will help both the mentor as well as the mentee to learn from each other which will help to create a more productive and constructive work environment. Mentoring will help employees not only to attain career development but leadership development as well.

This gives employees the ability to voice their feelings, overcome different obstacles, and find solutions. This helps them to be successful and inspires them to perform efficiently.

Developing successors

As managers, we need to realize that when we joined an organization as a fresh candidate we too had someone to train and coach us, and it is our responsibility to pay the favor forward by developing and guiding our successors. We need to teach those we manage and mentor others by applying our own professional successes and failures. We can create effective leaders who will become the future of our organizations.  They should be educated in decision-making, leadership, dealing with people (management, employees, and customers), and handling stress – and should be evaluated along the way. As the successor moves through each phase, his or her responsibility should be increased as training and business goals are met and more rigorous goals should be established.


Be open to criticism and take them positively. By providing feedback to employees, they will improve their performance and be motivated to accomplish their goals efficiently and accurately. Every organization needs to provide feedback to their employees on a regular basis both when things are great and when they can be improved. Feedback itself is a skill. Leaders not only provide feedback to their team members but also need to provide a solution to improve issues being discussed. This will make employees feel capable of eliminating mistakes.  We need to keep in mind that no one is perfect and every individual who makes a mistake would never make them deliberately.  Make sure that the feedback you give is clear.

Set an example

Every manager needs to set an example for their employees. They need to be firm with their decision. When you assign tasks, make sure that the goals are completed efficiently. When a goal is given to an employee, it is the manager’s duty to take responsibility for both success and failure and work towards improvement. A manager needs to set an example by taking the blame for all actions made by his employees.

Critical problem analysis and solving

Solving critical problems require both analytical and creative skill set. Employees can think critically and productively, share thoughts and opinions, use good judgment, and make decisions. By utilizing our mind and thinking out of the box to solve a problem, leader gain the ability to explore and expand their knowledge.

Honesty and integrity

Integrity starts with honesty. A good leader will always do the right thing. A manager must address every case and situation honestly and should not be biased. Managers with integrity are not afraid to face the truth. The organization needs to rely on employees who acquire such skills. Managers need to be bold, but they also need to be open to the idea that they could be wrong. By having an open mind, a leader can acquire new and positive thinking. Show employees that you are honest and trustworthy.

Create a positive work environment

Happy employees work harder and more efficiently in an organization.  We need to engage them in different tasks. As a manager, we need to be open minded and have a one on one with each employee to figure out their feedback and try to implement on it. Rewarding employees is the best way to motivate and encourage them to perform better. Try connecting with different team members either individually or as a group. Try to appreciate your team members’ effort. As a manager, you need to listen to everyone’s point of view and evaluate their ideas as they can bring in new and innovative ideas that can bring in revenue and increase productivity. Trust every team member. Never be harsh or personal with any employee. Be spontaneous and have fun.

A great organization employs great managers with a diversified mind set and empowers them to work towards the health and growth of the organization. Like they say, “with great power comes great responsibility” to uphold integrity and work with honesty. This is where the people management skills come into play and determine the future not only of the employee and the manager but also determines whether the organization is keeping up with its vision, mission, and values to achieve a common goal in a distinct and disciplined manner to beat out its competition.

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People management is the art of knowing how to manage employees within the organization and to make sure that the work performed by the employee is completed efficiently and professionally.  Today we live in a modern society with a diversified culture where people of different backgrounds come together under one roof to work as a team to achieve a common goal. Every employee is unique and possesses a different set of skills backed by a unique mind set. In order for an organization to work towards a common goal they must have managers with a superior skill sets to manage and direct employee efficiently. To do so, the managers must possess people management skills which not only include financial structure and corporate strategies but also maintain the health of the resources.

Key points for improving people management skills are:

Effective decision making

Every organization is constantly making decisions. Decision making in an organization is selecting the right choices to achieve a goal. To perform efficiently and choose the best decision, the leader needs to be cooperative and supportive of his team members. Decision making is a key function in building a team and incorporating unique ideas which can have a positive outcome for the organization. The staff need to feel comfortable sharing their ideas or opinions. Good managers make them feel that they are part of an assignment by listening to them, by giving them the opportunity to pitch their ideas.


Communication is very important.  It helps build relationship with your team members. One of the best ways to communicate with one another is by listening to what the other person is saying. Ask questions to show that you are paying attention. When managers do not communicate with the employees efficiently and professionally, the organization has huge turnover. By encouraging regular morning briefings, each employee can discuss the performance of the organization and add useful suggestions to increase business. An organization can only thrive and succeed in an environment with open communication.

Mentoring employees

A mentor can provide guidance and advice to employees to help them in their professional growth. This will help an employee feel less isolated at work, and encourage them to interact with others in a more efficient manner.  Through mentoring the employee becomes more responsible and develop stronger communication and problem-solving skills. This will help both the mentor as well as the mentee to learn from each other which will help to create a more productive and constructive work environment. Mentoring will help employees not only to attain career development but leadership development as well.

This gives employees the ability to voice their feelings, overcome different obstacles, and find solutions. This helps them to be successful and inspires them to perform efficiently.

Developing successors

As managers, we need to realize that when we joined an organization as a fresh candidate we too had someone to train and coach us, and it is our responsibility to pay the favor forward by developing and guiding our successors. We need to teach those we manage and mentor others by applying our own professional successes and failures. We can create effective leaders who will become the future of our organizations.  They should be educated in decision-making, leadership, dealing with people (management, employees, and customers), and handling stress – and should be evaluated along the way. As the successor moves through each phase, his or her responsibility should be increased as training and business goals are met and more rigorous goals should be established.


Be open to criticism and take them positively. By providing feedback to employees, they will improve their performance and be motivated to accomplish their goals efficiently and accurately. Every organization needs to provide feedback to their employees on a regular basis both when things are great and when they can be improved. Feedback itself is a skill. Leaders not only provide feedback to their team members but also need to provide a solution to improve issues being discussed. This will make employees feel capable of eliminating mistakes.  We need to keep in mind that no one is perfect and every individual who makes a mistake would never make them deliberately.  Make sure that the feedback you give is clear.

Set an example

Every manager needs to set an example for their employees. They need to be firm with their decision. When you assign tasks, make sure that the goals are completed efficiently. When a goal is given to an employee, it is the manager’s duty to take responsibility for both success and failure and work towards improvement. A manager needs to set an example by taking the blame for all actions made by his employees.

Critical problem analysis and solving

Solving critical problems require both analytical and creative skill set. Employees can think critically and productively, share thoughts and opinions, use good judgment, and make decisions. By utilizing our mind and thinking out of the box to solve a problem, leader gain the ability to explore and expand their knowledge.

Honesty and integrity

Integrity starts with honesty. A good leader will always do the right thing. A manager must address every case and situation honestly and should not be biased. Managers with integrity are not afraid to face the truth. The organization needs to rely on employees who acquire such skills. Managers need to be bold, but they also need to be open to the idea that they could be wrong. By having an open mind, a leader can acquire new and positive thinking. Show employees that you are honest and trustworthy.

Create a positive work environment

Happy employees work harder and more efficiently in an organization.  We need to engage them in different tasks. As a manager, we need to be open minded and have a one on one with each employee to figure out their feedback and try to implement on it. Rewarding employees is the best way to motivate and encourage them to perform better. Try connecting with different team members either individually or as a group. Try to appreciate your team members’ effort. As a manager, you need to listen to everyone’s point of view and evaluate their ideas as they can bring in new and innovative ideas that can bring in revenue and increase productivity. Trust every team member. Never be harsh or personal with any employee. Be spontaneous and have fun.

A great organization employs great managers with a diversified mind set and empowers them to work towards the health and growth of the organization. Like they say, “with great power comes great responsibility” to uphold integrity and work with honesty. This is where the people management skills come into play and determine the future not only of the employee and the manager but also determines whether the organization is keeping up with its vision, mission, and values to achieve a common goal in a distinct and disciplined manner to beat out its competition.

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